Lent 2022 - Week 6 Friday
Week 6 – Friday
Self-Compassion IN ACTION
This is the simplest way to care for yourself and yet we don’t do it.
Practice #5: Start thinking about yourself better.
The simplest way to care for yourself is to start thinking about yourself better.
The way you treat yourself is the result of how you feel about yourself.
And how you feel about yourself is the result of how you think about yourself.
What you think REALLY DOES matter!
In the Christian tradition, today is Good Friday – the day when Jesus was brutally tortured and killed. I know that doesn’t sound good, but you’ll have to Google it – LOL.
My point is that some of us brutally torture ourselves in the way we talk to ourselves.
“You’re so lazy!” or “You’re so fat!” or “You’re so pathetic!”
Day after day, we brutally torture ourselves with our critical self-talk.
Thinking crappy thoughts will make you feel crappy, which will lead to you treating yourself like crap, resulting in a crappy life.
None of us want a crappy life and yet much of the crappiness is self-induced.
This is why the most important thing you can do for yourself is be compassionate towards yourself, not just in action, but in words as well.
So, I invite you to pick some of your favorite practices from this series and turn them into habits. And then pick some new things to turn into habits until you absolutely love yourself.
What is the one compassion practice you’ll commit to turning into a habit?
If you are willing to share, I would love to know - comment below.
“It does take work to break the self-criticizing habits of a lifetime, but at the end of the day, you are only being asked to relax, allow life to be as it is, and open your heart to yourself. It’s easier than you might think, and it could change your life.”