Lent 2022 - Week 6 Saturday
Week 6 – Saturday
Self-Compassion IN ACTION
In the Christian tradition, today is Holy Saturday/The Great Vigil of Easter.
In a sense, it’s a new beginning.
Good Friday seemed like it was an end and then…resurrection.
In the same way, the end of our Lenten journey is just the beginning.
”Self-care is giving the world the best of you instead of what’s left of you.”
— Quote from Corinne Crabtree
Your own emotional and physical well-being may not seem as important to you as the well-being of others, but it’s the greatest gift you can give to the people in your life.
And, if you’ve been doing the work in this Lenten series, you’ve already started giving it.
There is, however, no overnight transformation. The things we’ve been releasing and embracing during this Lenten season are the beginnings of loosening the tightly wound ball within you that will ultimately result in massive life shifts.
As you pull a thread in one area of your life, it will impact other areas of your life. Since all the threads are connected, you just need to pick one and start. Even as you pull out and work on the seemingly insignificant threads of your life, the whole system is positively impacted.
So, I invite you to consider the work we did as the beginning of living the life you want, the way you want, with the people you want.
Just keep plucking the threads.
With Love, MJ
And, I would love to know what you got out of this series. Please share in the comments.
“It does take work to break the self-criticizing habits of a lifetime, but at the end of the day, you are only being asked to relax, allow life to be as it is, and open your heart to yourself. It’s easier than you might think, and it could change your life.”