You are in the right place if you are trans or queer or

questioning some aspect of your identity

What’s getting you down or holding you back?

  • Queer & Christian

    Are you having a crisis of faith or feeling rejected by your faith community?

  • Queer Relationships

    Does it feel like family or friends are not fully accepting you or trying to change you or just don’t get it?

  • Am I queer?

    Are you realizing that there’s more to your gender identity and/or sexual orientation than you thought and wondering what to do about it?

We have all internalized unhelpful (often harmful) beliefs that live in us and unconsciously hinder us in some way.


Radical Welcome

Our work is completely confidential.

If you’re worried you’ll be judged for who you are or what you’ve done-NOT HERE! Our coaching space will be radically inclusive and non-judgmental.

Religion, in its best form, is supposed to help us be in relationship with God and each other.

But that’s not always the case, is it.

Many Christian religious denominations, although they claim to follow Jesus, do not follow the most important commandment He gave us - to love God with everything we have and to love our neighbors as ourselves. As a result, many of us in the LGBTQIA+ community have been harmed by religion and religious people.

As someone who spent four years getting a theological education through the Education for Ministry program, three years as an Episcopal Monk, and is now ordained in the Christian tradition, I speak with a unique voice on the topic of religion and the LGBTQIA+ community.

If you have been harmed by religion or religious people, let’s use those experiences to re imagine your life.

At the end of the day, we all just want to be loved.

If you’re struggling to fully accept yourself for the beautiful human you are…

Or there are people in your life you’re struggling with…

Then let’s connect and explore the possibilities. Things can be different!