Lent 2022 - Week 4 Thursday


Week 4 – Thursday
Releasing Internalized Oppression
Everyone is talking about their spouse and you…don’t say a word.

Internalized Oppression is: Never or rarely talking about your partner.
Even when other people in the group are queer and out and you know it.

You know…all those times when you changed the subject as quickly as possible because the conversation was headed in the direction of your personal life.

Or those times when you ran into someone you know and you introduced your partner as your “friend”.

Silence it: Practice coming out to friendly strangers.
Then work your way up to telling the important people in your life.

I’ve included a great resource in Saturday’s email recap, which you’ll get if you’re on my email list. If you’re not, you can sign up here.

What do you think? Let me know in the comments.
Have you ever intentionally avoided talking about your personal life because you were worried what others might think?
I certainly have!

I want to make a distinction between Internalized oppression vs. self-care in the face of oppression.

As a queer person, there will be situations in which your safety is legitimately at risk and you’ll do something you normally wouldn’t like not correcting someone who assumes you’re straight or giving a less-than-honest answer to someone who doesn’t feel safe; THIS IS TOTALLY LEGIT.

I’m talking about situations in which your safety is not at risk and you just feel uncomfortable because your queerness is not the “norm” and you fear being judged because of it. These are usually situations in which YOU are uncomfortable with your queerness.


Lent 2022 - Week 4 Friday


Lent 2022 - Week 4 Wednesday