Lent 2022 - Week 1 Saturday
Releasing Shame…
It’s time to release it. So, let’s tap it out.
Shame is: Stored in the body
So, we’re going to re-balance that disrupted energy.
It will just take a few minutes.
Just follow along at this link.
Tapping, also known as Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), draws on the ancient Chinese practice of acupuncture and is thought to restore balance in your disrupted energy. Think of it as a way to improve the flow of energy.
Click on this link to give it a try.
Let me know what you think in the comments.
If this was your first time tapping, what did you think? If you’ve done tapping before, what was your experience like?
If you do a Google, you’ll find tons of resources on shame. Brene Brown is one of my favorites because she has been studying shame for years and is very data-driven. You can’t go wrong with any of her books, but her newest one is fantastic and I recommend getting a print version because it’s very well designed and has some great photos.
Atlas of the Heart: Mapping Meaningful Connection and the Language of Human Experience
by Brene Brown
You can also find a lot of information at https://brenebrown.com/